Pork belly steak with Korean style marinate sauce (삼겹살스테이크)

Juicy and tender pork belly cut into steak style with Korean style sauce

10 Min


No rice needed / Not spicy

Juicy and tender pork belly cut into steak style with Korean style sauce

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70 gram

Korean radish

220 gram

Pork belly


  • • Pan



Heat a pan.

Add pork belly steak.
Cook the top & bottom sides of the steak for 1 minute on high heat.


Cook all four sides of the steak on medium-low heat for two minutes each.


Add sauce.

Heat on medium heat while spooning the sauce and flipping the steak every minute.

Do this for 7~10 minutes until the pork is fully cooked.

Add a little bit of water if no more liquid is on the pan, and it starts burning.

Move the steak to a plate. Cut to desire sizes, wrap it in a pickled Korean radish, and enjoy!

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